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MLM Platform with DApp - Blockchain

Build your MLM Platform by Decentralized Application with Smart Contract

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Blockchain-Based DApps

Blockchain-Based DApps Are The Future Of Decentralization

Open Source

By allowing all the network participants to keep track of the happenings rather than only one person, a DApp creates a new structure for business practices. They are governed through autonomy and any changes in the DApp are decided through consensus. The codebase of a DApp should be available for review.

Decentralized Consensus

Blockchain-based DApps work on a peer-to-peer (P2P) model, which means that the nodes are able to connect directly with each other. In a DApp, a transaction is processed through a consensus mechanism and requires the approval of the majority of the nodes for getting processed. For this process, the validators of the network are rewarded in the form of cryptographic tokens.

No Central Authority

Now because DApps are decentralized, they don’t depend on a single server, and therefore, there is no central point of failure. The data stored in DApps are allowed to be decentralized across all its nodes, which are independent of each other.

Popular DApps

Just have a few samples to know power of DApps, from dappradar.

Compound DeFi
Kyber Exchanges
Forsage MLM
IDEX Exchanges
Gnosis Protocol Exchanges
1inch DeFi
Aave DeFi
Uniswap Exchange
Unstoppable Others
HEX High-Risk
Synthetix DeFi
My Crypto Heroes Games

Popular MLM DApps with ethereum smart contract

Ethereum Smart Contract is the most preferred Smart Contract solution of MLM business.

Classification of Blockchain-based DApps

According to the Ethereum white paper, DApps can be classified into three different types. Let’s talk about them one-by-one:

1. Financial Blockchain Applications

This category of DApps provides users with ways of managing their finances and money. For example, Bitcoin provides its users with a distributed and decentralized system of monetization.

There is no centralization to the control of the network, and therefore, no single authority is responsible for controlling all the money. The power and regulation are with the people of the network and the consensus protocol. Users are the owner of their money in these applications. In addition to Bitcoin, there are various Altcoins that have been created so far and they fall into this category.

2. Semi-Financial Blockchain Applications

This category includes both money and information that resides outside the blockchain. For example, insurance applications that allow a refund for flights in case of delay in arrival.

Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) is another example of this category. An ICO is basically a fundraising mechanism similar to an IPO with the only difference being the involvement of cryptocurrencies in place of fiat money.

It is easy to structure ICO DApps because they apply standards such as the ERC20 Token Standard. Most of the ICOs operate by having investors send funds to a smart contract in the form of Bitcoin (in case of bitcoin blockchain) or Ether (in case of ethereum blockchain). This smart contract stores the funds and shares an equivalent value in the form of a new token at a later point in time.

3. Fully-Functioning Decentralized Applications

This third category of DApps uses all the features of both decentralized and distributed systems. They are the most popular type of Blockchain-Based DApps and are not financial at any level. For example, applications for online voting or decentralized governance. Countries such as Dubai have already begun building the first blockchain-run government.

Advantages of Using DApps

Following are the advantages of using DApps:

1. Fault-Tolerant
DApps don’t have a single point of failure because no single node controls the data transaction or data records in this P2P decentralized network. Its distributed nature supports this very strongly.

2. Prevents Internet Censorship
As there is no central controlling authority owning a DApps network, it controls and prevents the Internet Censorship violation. It is practically impossible to manipulate with data sets in an individual’s favor. This means that not even government authorities can try to block a DApp because, being decentralized in nature, DApps don’t depend on any particular I.P address.

3. Increased Trust on the System
Again, because DApps are not owned by a single entity, users have more confidence and trust that their data will not be stolen or manipulated with.

Disadvantages of Using DApps

DApps are not perfect and come with their own set of disadvantages. Following is the list of these disadvantages:

1. Updates and Bug Fixes are Not Easy
It’s difficult to fix any issues in DApps because fixes require every peer in the network to update all the copies in the network, which can be a daunting task.

2. KYC is Not Easy
Most of the current centralized apps depend on user verification, which is quite easy given that a single authority controls and verifies it. But DApps don’t have a single entity responsible for doing KYC verification, and this makes it challenging to build DApps.

3. Complex to Scale
There are complex networks and protocols to be implemented in DApps to achieve consensus for data validation. For this, the entire DApp needs to be planned and built considering the scale from the very beginning. This is not the case with centralized apps, where you can first build an MVP and then later on balance the system according to requirements.

4. Fewer Evolved Third-Party DApps
In the current centralized app mechanism, we often have to depend on third-party APIs for fetching certain third-party information. However, with DApps, we don’t have this leverage because currently there is no such large third-party DApps ecosystem in place.

DApps have to interact with other DApps for their API needs, which is a disadvantage because they cannot access APIs through a centralized application.